Many credit cards offer built-in car rental insurance, providing coverage for damage, theft, and more when you use your card to pay for the rental. To satisfy coverage requirements using a credit card’s rental insurance program, please ensure the following:
Eligibility: Confirm that your credit card includes rental car insurance coverage. Coverage details can vary by card issuer and type (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, American Express). Some cards may offer primary coverage, while others provide secondary coverage that kicks in after your personal auto insurance.
Coverage Limits: The coverage offered by your credit card must meet or exceed the requirements for the vehicle class you are renting. For example:
- Economy, Standard, and Premium Vehicle Classes: The card’s insurance should cover damage or theft up to the actual cash value (ACV) of the vehicle.
- Elite Vehicle Class: Coverage must be sufficient to cover damage or theft up to the ACV of the vehicle, with additional coverage considerations as specified by the card issuer.
- Exotic Vehicle Class: Many credit cards do not cover luxury or exotic vehicles, so it’s essential to verify your card’s policy beforehand.
Duration of Coverage: Ensure that your card’s rental insurance program covers the entire rental period, including any extensions. Some credit cards may limit the duration of coverage (e.g., up to 15 or 30 days).
Documentation: You may need to provide proof of coverage at the time of rental. This can include:
- A copy of your credit card’s rental insurance policy or benefits guide.
- Proof of payment with the eligible credit card for the rental.
Exclusions: Be aware of any exclusions in your card’s rental insurance policy. Common exclusions may include:
- Rentals in certain countries.
- Specific types of damage (e.g., wear and tear, tire damage).
- Certain vehicle types, such as trucks, large SUVs, or luxury/exotic cars.
By using your credit card’s rental insurance, you can satisfy our coverage requirements while potentially avoiding additional insurance costs. Always verify your specific card’s benefits and limitations before your rental period begins.